The company specializes in the production of alkyl glycoside APG, textile printing and dyeing chemical raw materials, dyes, textile printing and dyeing auxiliaries


The company specializes in the production and management of textile printing and dyeing chemical raw materials, dyes, textile printing and dyeing auxiliaries.
Time: 2023-01-06

The company specializes in the production and management of textile printing and dyeing chemical raw materials, dyes, textile printing and dyeing auxiliaries.

Contact us

Address: No. 32, Jingbian 2nd Road, Haining, Zhejiang, China
Contact:Mr Zhao +86-15257901596 Mr Yang +86-15988318181
                Mr Zhou +86-15888307721  Mr Wei +86-13906736336
                Mr Zhu   +86-18367398777
Tel: +86-573-87500097  Fax: +86-573-87500096

Mobile platform
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